The length of the league schedule is dictated by the bowling center.
A postponement request must be made 48 hours prior to the scheduled match.
The league bank statement is sent to the treasurer.
Final prize list is the league financial statement.
I can clean my ball with nail polish remover.
When a league requires bowlers to prepay the last two weeks of bowling.
The two-week notice required for withdrawing from a league is based on the calendar.
Substitutes cannot be used for a position match or playoff.
A team cannot be forced to use an absentee score for a position round or playoff.
If a team does not bowl at its regularly scheduled league time, its scores do not have to be shared with the team it was supposed to bowl against.
League rules supersede USBC rules.
A foul is committed any time a bowler crosses the foul line.
A team or individual can prebowl for the first league session.
Youth can compete in tournaments using bowling balls with beer logos.